Thursday 11 April 2013

10 Things: Publication

I was dead set on creating a concertina booklet, mostly because of how practical it would be to easily fix all the double pages together, so I opted to go with this and because it would end up cheaper.

I made the images for the Visual semiotics first using London as the first location, I wanted to make them straight to the point, and have this carried throughout the publication. Making it appear clean and appealing.

I'm really happy how successful this one came out, I thought it nailed the idea of what I was doing it for. The CMYK / RGB page. I wanted it just to explain what they were used for and this was the result.

 I got really stuck on this for a few hours, I thought hey yeah maybe typing out Type Anatomy would convey it. It was boring. I exchanged it with the design below and I'm rather glad of it. It just works it alot better. This is where I got the bee colour scheme from that I really liked after playing with indesign's colour palette.


 I hadn't really used indesign before, Phil's lesson really helped out, using the guidelines really helped out, I aligned it all to them, I wasn't till after there was an easier way of setting out so I went back on over and redid that. I still feel a bit naive with Indesign because it's new, but it's slowly growing on me.

I make the actual thing, I had to duplex print 3 sheets of paper, which turned out to be really helpful as I was trying to make these on the cheap as well.

I developed my pocket from the topman gift card pocket, as the idea stemmed from there originally.

However when it came to actually making it, I couldn't fit the booklet into it. Shame.

 Instead I decided to create a band, since it'd be much easier to hold it all together, this also meant I could also play about with the design with it so it could interact with the booklet more.

 It might have took 3 attempts but I finally had one fully made.

10 Things you need to know about Graphic design.

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