Thursday 17 October 2013

Design Production - Concept Workshop

What is a concept: 
A plan or intention idea or commodity thought or notion.

An example of great concept is by Wanda Preim, she conceptualised a self promotion pack around the whole word of her second name: Preim> Prime (Highest quality) > Prime numbers. With that she came up with a theme to carry through her work, which became called 3,5,7 the first 3 prime numbers.  

'Also using with the concept of prime numbers, which are only numbers that can be evenly divisible only by itself and one. Throughout my project the non prime numbers are eliminated and only prime numbers are used. Trough this elimination, a pattern is formed, this pattern becomes a design element in my project.' 
Wanda Preim

Ikea's famous man covers one of Ikea's best concepts, their instruction manuals which contain little to no written language making them universally understandable. Making it easy to import to however many countries they want too.

For our 3 words, we got Lens, Lamp and Cushion. For our second word we got Bar in our group. 


We took turns writing our ideas down on each sheet, we split up into Lens, Lamp and cushion, concepts and ideas relating to each word and things relating to them. Lens was one of the most successful because of how many things you could relate to and and expand on such as: photography, perception and illusions, etc. 

Cushion was the one with had the least amount of ideas for, It sounded like it would have a lot of ideas behind it but we couldn't generate as many for it as the other two.

Lamp was much like Lens we generated loads for this, I really enjoyed doing this, moving the sheets around the table so everyone could have their say at least It'd really like to implement this into any other group work in the future we do, as my idea to do so worked really well and was efficient at getting lots of comments and notes written down quick in our 4 pairs.

We started to name our audiences and purposes but then realised we didn't really know what a Bar is first, so we wanted to look into that we listed them all down so we could at least get a better understand of what we will be creating so we can understand how our audience will fit into it we listed the following: 

  • A cocktail lounge is an upscale bar that is typically located within a hotel, restaurant, or airport. 
  • A full bar serves liquor, cocktails, wine, and beer. 
  • A wine bar is an elegant bar that focuses on wine rather than on beer or liquor. Patrons of these bars may taste wines before deciding to buy them. Some wine bars also serve small plates of food or other snacks. 
  • A beer bar focuses on beer, particularly craft beer, rather than on wine or liquor. A brew pub has an on-site brewery and serves craft beers. 
  • A music bar is a bar that presents live music as an attraction 
  • A dive bar is a very informal bar, sometimes referred to simply as a "dive."

  • Bars categorized by the kind of entertainment they offer include:
  • Blues bars, specializing in the live blues style of music.
  • Comedy Bar specializing in a stand-up comedy entertainment.
  • Dance bars, which have a dance floor where patrons dance to recorded music. But if a dance bar has a large 
  • dance floor and hires well-known professional DJs, it is considered to be a nightclub or discothèque.
  • Karaoke bars, with nightly karaoke as entertainment.
  • Music bars, specializing in live music (i.e. concerts).
  • Salsa bars, where patrons dance to Latin salsa music
  • Sports bars, where sports fans watch games on large-screen televisions
  • Topless bars, where topless female employees dance or serve drinks
  • Bars categorized by the kind of patrons who frequent them include:
  • Biker bars, which are bars frequented by motorcycle enthusiasts and (in some regions) motorcycle club members
  • College bars, usually located in or near universities, where most of the patrons are students.
  • Cop bars, where off-duty law enforcement agents gather
  • Gay bars, where gay men or women dance and socialize
  • Mixed gay/straight bars
  • Singles bars where (mostly) unmarried people of both sexes can meet and socialize
  • Straight bars
  • Women's bars

What is it and Audience
We then decided we would make our Bar around a brew bar/ brew pub, as they weren't really many of them in Leeds and it's something we thought it needs and that would interest a wide range of audience (Young adults and up) to serve a rather particular niche market. Doing this we were able to focus down our concept onto a particular bar instead of flinging out more concepts as we were a bit stuck at this point.

A beer bar focuses on beer, particularly craft beer, rather than on wine or liquor/ A brew pub has an on-site brewery and serves craft beers.

Although there is Brew dog within Leeds, we were wanting to offer something different as Brew Dog's graphic design and aesthetic doesn't really feel like it's catering to a wider audience, it looks rather punk, the two pieces below I feel show this, their logo and label. This isn't what we are trying to target within our audience.


Sarah found a lamp shade she really liked that had bees on it that then inspired us to involve bee's into our idea, this is how we then came too 'The Beer Hive' a name for our Bar that seemed to work all too well and although it was inspired by a lamp.

Bees & Context
 We pulled it around to Lens, mostly because we could build more from that then using lamp for the interior and exterior, plus design work. Perception and sight fits in alot better when it comes to bees, for example their eyes which contains hundreds of lenses (compound eyes) for them too see better and have a bigger perspective than humans do. I personally find it really interesting and it presents alot of directions for us to take too which is great.

We wanted to create a place where you could go and socialise, drink good ale/beer that's home-brewed in the small purpose brewery out the back of the bar. It'd be a place to catch up, young and old.

We thought since Bees are dying out, we lend it's purpose to helping to fund saving the bees, say for example for every pint sold 5p goes towards a Bee charity, something such as The Bumblebee Conservation Trust. Who give information on all Bee types in the UK and where to find them, which are not in danger, which ones are rare, and how to deal with Bee nests/ accommodate for.

Examples of said charities/ organisations:

'Bumblebees are mainly under threat because of changes to the countryside in the UK. Changes in agricultural techniques have meant that there are far fewer wildflowers in the landscape than there used to be, meaning that many of our bumblebee species are struggling to survive.'
For our location we thought to use the Old Walkabout building next to the O2 Academy on Cookridge Street, Leeds as it's a very well known spot for students, but it's also next to the Music venue and close to the centre of town all the while been in the perfect spot to attract people of all ages from around the surrounding area. It's also a good size with two floors for the brewery to be included into it.

Phil said he really liked the idea of it and It all sounded good, he helped us define our audience a bit better, to just a every person's bar, suitable for everyone.

Loraine however said that we should try to include other drinks other then beer and ale to help sway people who aren't too into that and don't want to be excluded, as a group we thought it'd be good to have more drinks that would be honey related so it would work for them such as honey whiskey to honey tea for example.


For the presentation we all drew some images of what we thought the logo should look like as well as the other things we talked about in our discussion of the concepts.

The others explain them selves, but I thought it'd be a great idea if you wanted to buy some of the beer you could take it home in a 4 pack in the shape as a White box bee hive, a redundant image that's easily understood to represent bees. 

If it was made it'd have the logo and such on so for this I simply drew up the design of it. As well as this for a 6 Pack I thought it'd be great to incorporate the honey-comb hexagon.

I vectored these using the illustrator Perspective tool and I was really impressed at how well they came out and how easy it was too use! I'll be definitely be using that again when I need to mock things up, It really finishes it off and It looks professional.

The presentation went rather well, The group standing next to the Mac bursted out talking before the rest of us could get a word in, but by the end we all got our speech out.

 I suppose it was okay because we were in a strict time limit so it was good to just get it out. I really liked working in our group because of the enthusiasm and It carried through into the presentation. I wouldn't mind working with them again, they were all great at idea generation.

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