Friday 15 November 2013

OUGD504: Design for Print, Chronologies of Print

Print seminar with Amber

"I love a ballad in print alive, for then we are sure they are true” 
William Shakespeare

If it is in print it is seen as true. It is correct. It is factual.

When there was only one copy of print, word of mouth about it changed as it got passed on.

Print is about Documentation, Communication, Reproduction. 

200 A.D, Woodcut, Earliest printmaking technique. Used charcoal and oils. non-permanent.
Paper did exist, but wasn’t very good. Fabric was used, allowed examples to last.

Europe didn’t start printing till 1400 A.D, roughly. 

First book, type thing. from China, from 650 A.D. Buddhist message, religious text. 
Religion attracts people with the sense of community and money. The need for communicate.

Knowledge is Power.

Fuels Mass communication, people being curious wanting to discover things.

First moveable type was in Asia in about 1000 A.D. 

1450 A.D Guttenberg press. Around the time of renni , People were traveling and discovering new things.
This is when literacy boomed, it wasn’t just for upper, middle and lower.
But everyone was able to find out about different things that they were curious in. 

Religious beliefs and politics were fuelling all of this. Trickle down theory.

Upper class could read and write, middle saw thats someone they want to do. Cultural awareness.

People became nationalistic from the awareness of communities around them. They wanted to keep their language.

Communication changed massively and the output of book boomed between 15th to 18th century.

The output was about 150 pages an hour with the Gothenburg press.

In the United Kingdom and all of Europe, 1500 A.D everyone could print. 

This is where formalised and controlled religion started, on mass due to the boom in communication.

The world changed the word from being a verbal culture to a visual culture. 

Master crafts men creating hot leaded type, instead of writing and, an ampersand was created. This is where glyphs started.

Marshall Mcluhan, 1911 - 1980.
The medium is the message.

Talked about the world as a global village, predicted the world wide web 30 years before it was conceived.
His main argument, about new technologies, such as the Guttenberg press and language. 

Through language and reading technologies, it changed how we behaved as a society,
it pushed science, religion because now things could be recorded and spread on mass.

Democracy, Capitalism, Nationalism. All theme he explores that are pivotal to society and print really pushed all of these.

Lino-type machine, revolutionised the world of printing. Type-writter type machine that brought out letters in block sets.
Don’t have to worry about spacing as it’s done for you. It wasn’t pretty but it’s easy to see how it developed to the keyboards currently of today. 

Line casting. 

Late 18 hundreds, stayed big till the 1960’s and 70’s. Big in newspaper publishing, took a small amount of people to produce a newspaper.
Also things could be changed and corrected a lot easier then individual letters been placed like letter press.

No governing body on what was printed, loads of communication and falsities and propaganda. 

Lino-type used by the new york times, etc. Between 70’s - 80’s all of this was replaced with computers. 

Printing wasn’t something that was seen as cool. Sad times.

First etching, aqua-tinting, Etching was made on armour suits. Same thing that is used for copper plate etching.
Religion fueled.

Lithography, stone oil and wax. Incredibly cheap to make. Can print things out on mass. Wasn’t made to be pretty. 

Moulin Rouge Concert Bal La Goulue. - For example.

William Morris, victorian. Time of excess. Quite asian influence. Time from when everything was over the top. (Victorian over the top.) 
Made people look at craft and colour and the making of things pretty. 

1970, Colour in American propaganda for joining the navy. 
Start of propaganda on mass. 

19— Spanish Civil war.

1930 - Modernism, lent it’s self very well print making. Clean and crisp colours. Solid imagery.

From all the stuff from religion, etc. To propaganda. - If it’s in print, it is true. It is factual. 

Nazi Proganda, Das Volk, Wahlt Liste. Nationionsozialisten

Daily Star (20p) - Why print is dangerous, We’ll stand up and fight for England's war heroes.

British defines league wanted him awarded George’s cross.

Came with a lot of anti-muslim propaganda. Propaganda. 

Andre the Giant. French wrestler. 7” 4’. 

He was seen as all menacing, Not seen as intelligent as he was a giant.

Andre the giant has a Posse. Got huge, was making so many. Shepard fairey.

Then designs Obama’s campaign posters. Known as the underground sticker guy and printer. 

Connected with the Youth who didn’t vote, got the people to vote, connected with the underground scene. 

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