Wednesday 16 April 2014

Threadless Development

Initially I wanted to do a pattern that involved multiple and different doors however I scrapped the idea because once I put them all together it was just a bit garbage. Plus, it wouldn't really work all that well when it was translated onto a t-shirt. It'd be just doors, it wouldn't have much going for it aesthetically.

Instead I though about how I could incorporate architecture into it. I doodled a house below inspired by 50's animation artwork. However I didn't really get any ideas from that.

I was cleaning my shelves when I found a few little green houses from my spare monopoly pieces, I though it'd be cool to see how the transition occurs when a Green house gets upgraded. This became my concept behind what I later finished. However initially I started by creating the houses in illustrated based on a Isometric grid so I keeps everything easily made when it's in perspective because that's what'd be ideal for viewing a house at an angle. 

I didn't like the idea of creating a pattern out of it so instead I scrapped the thought.

I thought about colour grading it like this but I didn't really think it was appropriate or getting anything across.

I used elements from my previous brief, Redrow to work as props and decoration for the house, these were pieces that aren't really visible, plus it's not all that noticeable that I'd taken them from it. Although the scaffolding is remade, I can see how it'd be seen as just taking a house from Redrow however I did recreate all the elements of the house apart from the props previously mentioned.

As well as that I created a man and a wheel barrow, plus a ladder into the picture to liven it up a bit more because before it was seemingly a bit dead with not a lot happening. Although I didn't want to much, I did at least want to show stuff was going on in it.

I changed all the bricks and construction material to red to then finish it off to get across the initial idea.

Threadless surprised me by having lost of different mock-ups to choose from which was a nice change compared to other websites. I tried it on red t-shirt but immediately the concept is lost. So green it was.


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