Tuesday 15 April 2014

Movie Poster Development

I decided the best thing to do was to get the poster over with in one day, I'd already watched the film once and skipped through it a few more times. Otherwise I'd other think it and just hate it. Plus other things to do. I didn't really want to spend more then a week on it and I had already spent 3 or so days mulling over it.

My main concept, was having the 3 cast members walking forward, the suit they work blown up or the combination of the two.  I though this was a pretty strong concept, it got across the main imagery, however this was a really hard brief to work and it's why I spent so long thinking about. There was hardly any actual visual imagery and that made it incredibly difficult to work with. The main imagery I could list would be: the naval officer uniform, the flag, the courthouse, courthouse imagery (hammer, etc). This would be the core of the film to get across and the unsurprising thing is, before I had even looked, all the other posters used the exact same imagery as I had just listed. 

I started off with the stars, I took one from an old stitched flag, to mock up my idea, as it's all good on paper it's hard to really imagine what it'd be like to look at on screen. This really helped me in the development of it as it's a point of reference I kept coming back to. The over all look of this was something I liked, the aesthetic was pretty different with the cut-outs. But i wasn't happy enough to just do that. Seemed lazy.

I started off with my second Idea, I put together the american flag as simple as I could possibly, and have it still remain like the columns to a court house. 

I then drew over the characters faces and body slowly to get their overall shape to replace the crude silhouettes from before, this then formed the basis for my illustration. I was happy with how it all turned out eventually but It did take some thought into the direction I was wanting to really go with it.

I used photo

I printed it off to see how it looked on paper so far and I didn't really like it at all, there was too much white at the bottom  for the red to be noticeable any longer and where it was at a good ratio to color and white, it was rather fuzzy. So I needed a way to get a higher resolution of splatters. 

I realised I had a ink spray gun so I sprayed black india ink onto white paper and then inverted it in photoshop. This seemed to be the most effective way of getting the high resolution I was after, as well as scanning it in at 600 dpi. just in case.

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