Saturday 19 April 2014

Yoke Evaluation

Yoke, setup by Nathan Bolton and Eve Warren from the third year required entries for their upcoming exhibition called Dialogue. Which later would be combined with one or two other submissions to create a blind collaboration.

Create a design based around the idea of creating a dialogue and to be used in blind collaboration in an exhibition.

I was really looking forward to seeing everyone’s designs combined so I got involved and created my own submission because I was interested in what Eve and Nathan would create out of it and everyone else’s, as well as their own work they do independently.

This was a real quick turn around brief for the most part I spent contemplating the concept because I didn’t want to do something too obvious. I took inspiration from where I live, by the sea, seeing a lot of boats and I always wondered how they would have communicated before things such as radio and other modern developments. The form of communication I found from this was International maritime signals which when together are used a letters while signally they carry other meanings.

From that the visuals followed directly from the concept because it was straight to the point and clear.  Which really helped in this quick turn around brief. I think as well that it was a really good opportunity to get my work outside of the studio and into the real world for a change. It was refreshing more then anything else and been able to attend it and see mine as well as everyone else’s from the course on display.

Although this brief was really quick and simple, it was satisfying because I was able to see the end result in exhibit and unlike the other briefs seeing something happen of it instead of the others where I wont know the results for awhile.

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