Monday 19 May 2014

Golden Age Development (May 19th)

Everyone has a favourite character, like the other elements before which contain separate elements or slices of the characters I wanted the tickets to show yet another. After attending the event you'd hopefully get a few pieces of different characters, ones that aren't all the same. Together showing the breadth of the Golden age era. The ticket's design was made to evoke the traditional and nostalgic side to the cinema using the old style ticket, similar to those found in arcades. 

Many character's didn't fit due to their proportions, had to pick a design that was recognisable and concise.

Originally I'd had just had the below design for a placeholder for he wristband design. - This was changed to fit in better with the concept of giving a piece of each character.

I thought about using quotes from characters, but to reach a bigger audience silhouettes were more recognisable to children and adults.

Simple two day event listing, giving a sample image to accompany to illustrate the cartoon for people whom may faintly recognise, tip of their tongue, or they would like to find out more.

Started the website off while screen printing, Like the concept of using the curtains from the previous unused illustration.

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