Monday 24 March 2014

(Collaborative) Illustration 12

For the final illustration I removed all the houses as well as modifying the road, leaving in the pavement because that'd be still left behind no matter because it's a road.

I wanted to create a chain link fence but I opted to do a single line one to keep it from distracting the eye to much because of house close the lines would be.

I made it into a pattern brush to be able to make a line of it easily. I used a photo form google and removed the fence from it, I then applied it to the illustration in two halves after putting it to an isometric grid. This took awhile but It was really effective, mostly because It looked really cool as a miniature version of the sign.

Adding in the final details was fun on this one was well, such as above the little rubber holders for the fencing. I really enjoyed this aspect of doing the illustrations.

Ellen suggested adding in more detail so the land and planning job is more well represented, so I decided to show the lines of where the houses would be placed, using the previous illustration to draw over and then place in. I added a droop to the lines to make them seem like they had some weight to them.

And finally tire tracks to show it'd been used. Finishing touches.

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