Thursday 12 December 2013

Produce, Propose, Present.

OUGD503 Responsive
Produce, Propose, Present.
12th December

CHECK what the mandatory requirements are.

READ what I actually have to submit.

What is the product?

What do I need to make?

Smoke & Mirrors, communicate the print quality and the value of it. 

What is it we need to produce.

Sometimes you have to produce the thing, only when absolute necessary. Showing emboss. Don’t make it unless it’s to communicate the idea.

Spend the time crafting if it’s needed. 

What could I propose?

How do i propose it?

Make the pitch in a very little turn around.  Time is often best not spent on producing, spend it thinking and creating the concept. 

Show scale, don’t make it to scale. 

Exterior, create a vector.
Tophome example. 

get rid of all the excess information within a photograph. 

It gives the work context. 

These things can be demonstrated very quickly on a scale and scope that aren’t achievable normally. 

What should I present?

How do i present it?

That the reader of your proposal knows nothing. Nothing. Not my skills, context. anything. 

Explain everything. 

First board. BANG first into it. In your face. 

Creating the initial idea, then banging off all the rest. 

Branding no longer means just a longer. 

Show what research you have already done.

  • Who needs it?

It’s okay to produce all of these things, have you considered all the audiences, the context of it, and all the things its supposed to be doing. 

If it’s a specific context, audience how do you show it.

If you show the work, show how it’ll work.

Demonstrate that it’ll work.

What comes next?

Proposed presentation boards for the next session.

Mandatory presentation. 

How I have challenged it. etc.

3-5 presentation boards.

Range and distribution.

not the final boards, bring ones that will to be refined. 

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